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    Açılan dersler

    Data Acquisition, Intro to Sampling Theory,  Intro to Digital I/O and State Machines, Filtering and Temperature, Automatic Headlight Controller, Rotational Position Sensors.

    Programmable controllers used in industrial automation: microcontrollers, embedded systems, programmable logic controller (PL C) and programmable automation controller (PAC). Advantages of using PLC in automation. PLC architecture. PLC ladder programming, integration of industrial sensors and actuators with PLCs, PLC timers and counters, real world application examples and automation applications.

    Control engineering mathematics, complex variables and Laplace transforms. Initial and final value theorems. Introduction to practical controllers and control principles. Mathematical modeling of dynamic systems, transfer functions and block diagrams, transient response analysis, stability analysis. Analysis of systems, deviation of transfer function and frequency response for various systems, devices and elements.

    Experimental Methods for Engineers

    Principles and methods of experimentation. Sensing devices, measuring devices and their limitations.  Designing and planning experiments; data analysis, error analysis and uncertainty analysis. Performing and reporting of experiments. 

    This is a period comprising a minimum of 40 days’ training to be completed in an industrial organization by all students who are effectively in their junior or senior year. Students should obtain approval of the Department before commencing training. Following this training, students will be required to write a formal report and give a short presentation before a committee regarding their training.

    Internal combustion engines; two stroke and four stroke engines; spark ignition engines; compression ignition engines; basic engine parts; valve trains and timing diagrams; lubrication systems; cooling systems; fuel injection systems and ignition systems; advanced engineering- materials in automotive field.

    Credits: ( 4 / 1/ 0) 4                 Prerequisites: MENG246 or  MENG244     

    Principles of engineering graphics with the emphasis on laboratory use of AUTOCAD software. Plane Geometry, geometrical constructions, joining of arcs, Dimensioning principles, principles of orthographic projection, isometric and oblique drawing, principles of sectioning, reading engineering drawing from blueprints.

    The aim of the course is to provide the students with a basic understanding of the Acoustic. Both of indoor and outdoor acoustic wave propagations will be discussed. Several various examples of application of acoustic analysis of mediums in engineering applications will be presented. This is essentially useful for the graduate students who want to deal with multidisciplinary design fields. They need to develop and apply their abilities in several various fields including of mathematical and physical background of acoustics, computer programming and specific application in every field from hearing acoustics to structural acoustics, vibroacoustics and acoustic of music instruments. The students will be provided with a comprehensive formulation derivation.Then several important topics and definition will be presented. Finally some applied problems will be discussed.  

    What is CIM; CIM definition; CIM environment; CIM benefits; Business perspectives for CIM; objectives of manufacturing business; the business characteristics of CIM systems; components of a CIM architecture; simulation, group technology; networks; concurrent engineering; decision support systems; expert system; CAD/CAM; information and material flow in manufacturing; modeling methodology and related tools in analysis and design of CIM for medium size companies.

    Introduction, Conservation Laws, Introduction to conduction, One-dimensional steady state conduction, thermal generation, and extended surface, Two-dimensional and transient conduction, Introduction to convection, External Flow, Internal Flow, Free Convection, Boiling and Condensation, Heat Exchangers, Thermal Radiation, Absorption, reflection, and transmission, Radiation exchange, Mass Transfer. 

    Definition of stress, strain. Hook’s law. Constitutive relations for uniaxial stresses. Shearing stress and strain. Torsion of circular members. Thin walled pressure vessels. Relations between bending moment, shearing force and distributed loads. Bending of beams with symmetrical sections. Bending of composite beams.

    Fundamentals and principles of major manufacturing processes: casting, bulk deformation, sheet metalworking, powder metallurgy. Processing of polymers, ceramics, glass, rubber and composites. Metal cutting: cutting conditions, forces, temperatures, tool life, surface finish, coolants. Cutting tool materials. Principles, tools and process capabilities of basic machining operations: turning, milling, drilling, planning, shaping, boring, broaching. Gear manufacturing. Abrasive operations: grinding, finishing operations. Non-traditional processes. Basics of joining and assembling. Fusion and solid-state welding. Essentials of computer numerical control.

    Mechanical and non-destructive tests; equilibrium diagrams and their interpretation; hardening of metals; deformation and annealing of metals; heat treatment of steels; corrosion and oxidation phenomena; alloy steels; non-ferrous metals and alloys; cast irons. 

    Control engineering mathematics, complex variables and Laplace transforms. Initial and final value theorems. Introduction to practical controllers and control principles. Mathematical modeling of dynamic systems, transfer functions and block diagrams, transient response analysis, stability analysis. Analysis of systems, deviation of transfer function and frequency response for various systems, devices and elements.

    Mechanical vibrations: 2-DOF  vibrating systems, vibration measuring instruments, numerical methods for multi-degree of freedom systems, Dunkerley’s equations, vibration of continuous systems, random vibrations. Balancing of machinery: rigid rotors, reciprocating machines, flywheels, planar linkages, balancing machines and instrumentation. Cam dynamics, gyroscope and governors.

    Review of basic principles of engine operation. Thermo-chemistry and properties of engine working fluids. Thermodynamic analysis of engine processes. Mathematical modeling and simulation of engine processes and cycles. Study of various engine schemes.

    Psychrometrics and elementary psychrometric processes; simultaneous heat and mass transfer in external flows; direct contact transfer devices; heating and cooling coils-compact heat exchangers; thermal comfort; hot water heating systems; heating and cooling load calculations; vapor compression refrigeration cycles.

    Fluid static’s and forces on submerged bodies Introduction to kinematics of fluid flow.  Energy, continuity and momentum equations. Navier-Stokes equations. Viscous flow through closed conduits. Fundamentals of boundary layer analysis.  Dimensional analysis. Potential flow. Introduction to hydraulic machinery.

    This is to be conducted in the Mechanical Engineering Department’s workshops by all Mechanical Engineering students who have completed a minimum of three semesters in the program. Students will perform various hand and machine tool operations under staff supervision. It includes introduction to engineering materials, and selected practices on laying-out and setting out a job, using measuring devices.  At the end of the training students will be required to complete a report regarding their training.

    Principles and methods of experimentation. Sensing devices, measuring devices and their limitations.  Designing and planning experiments; data analysis, error analysis and uncertainty analysis. Performing and reporting of experiments. 

    This course aims to familiarize first year mechanical engineering students by introducing them to the fundamentals of discipline; job opportunities for mechanical engineers; basic study skills; an overview of fundamentals laws and principles of mechanical engineering; introduction to problem layout and problem solving methods; simplified engineering modeling and analysis of mechanical systems; collection, manipulation and presentation of engineering data; ethical issues; and the importance of computers and language skills for effective communication.

    Crystal structure and crystal geometry phase diagrams of alloy systems, heat treatments applied to metallic materials and plain-carbon steels. Mechanical properties of metals stress-strain in metals, tensile test, hardness and hardness testing, fatigue and fracture of metals, impact test, creep of metals and creep test. Strengthening and plastic deformation of metals. Mechanical properties of ceramics, glasses, polymers and composites. Corrosion of metals. Material selection based on mechanical properties.

    Systematic approach to design; standardization, dimensioning and tolerancing; strength of mechanical elements; theories of failure under static and dynamic loading situations; impact loading; shaft design: screw threads and threaded fasteners; power screws; bolted and riveted joints in shear; keys and couplings.

    (Prerequisite: MENG 222 Strength of Materials

    Review of vector algebra. Principle of mechanics. Static equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies. Distributed force systems. Elements of structures, beam, trusses, cables. Friction. Review of particle dynamics, force, energy and momentum methods. Planar kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies. Energy methods. Particle and rigid body vibrations.
    -Service course for IE and MECT students only.

    Gas power cycles. Vapor and combined power cycles. Refrigeration cycles. Thermodynamic property relations. Gas mixtures. Gas-vapor mixtures and air conditioning. Chemical reactions. Chemical and phase equilibrium. Thermodynamics of high speed fluid flow.

    Kinematics of rigid bodies.  2-D rigid body dynamics, D` Alembert`s principle. Energy Methods. Principle of impulse and momentum Angular momentum in 3-D Motion about a fixed axis. Un-damped vibration of rigid bodies.

    A brief background to energy and environmental problems. Energy audit. Economic analysis and life cycle costing. Utility demand-side management. Building systems and lighting. Electric systems, motors and drives. HVAC systems and chillers. Energy efficiency and renewable energy issues in developing countries. Solar energy utilization. 

    Basic concepts and definitions of thermodynamics. Properties of pure substances. The first law of thermodynamics for the closed and open systems. The second law of thermodynamics. Entropy. Second-Law analysis of engineering systems.

    Principles of engineering graphics with the emphasis on laboratory use of AUTOCAD software. Plane Geometry, geometrical constructions, joining of arcs, Dimensioning principles, principles of orthographic projection, isometric and oblique drawing, principles of sectioning, reading engineering drawing from blueprints.


    This course is intended as a one semester course for first year graduate students on convection heat transfer. Topics to be covered include basic concepts in heat transfer, differential formulation of the continuity, momentum and energy equations, exact solution of one-dimensional flow problems, boundary layer flow, approximate solutions using the integral method, heat transfer in channel flow, correlation equations in forced and free convection, flow through porous media, convection in microchannels.
    Introduction, vector and tensor algebra, Governing equations, Equilibrium equations, Diffusion equation, Euler equation, Advection equations, advection-diffusion equation, boundary and initial conditions, Permeative and stream function-vorticity approach, Approximate methods. Finite difference, weighted residual-finite elements, finite volume, Accuracy and error analysis, Higher order schemes, Staggered grid concept, Pressure correction schemes, Flow in porous media, turbulent flow modeling.
    The main concern of this course is to provide a comprehensive overview of computer architecture with specific emphasis on design of reduced instruction set computers, helping the students understand the principles and tradeoffs such as cost/performance, or speed/flexibility, behind the design of modern computer systems. This course provides a foundation for bridging the gap between programming and the inner complexities of the computer.

    This course presents the basic tools for the design of synchronous sequential circuits and covers methods and procedures suitable for a variety of digital design applications in computers, control systems, data communications, etc.. Concentration will be on widely-used design methods for synchronous sequential circuits together with their analysis and simulation in VHDL.

    This course aims to introduce fundamental concepts of performance evaluation of computer systems and networks. The course starts with an overview of probability theory and statistics. Then, the course continues with some fundamental performance analysis techniques including methods for performance measurement, performance metrics, monitoring, experimental design, and system modeling. Other topics include: comparing two or more systems; system tuning; performance bottleneck identification; characterizing the load on the system (workload characterization); determining the number and size of components (capacity planning); predicting the performance at future loads (forecasting); queuing theory, mean value analysis, and modelling. The course concludes with applications of the learned concepts to measure the performances of computer systems like communication networks, LANs, memory and I/O systems.

    The course aims to prepare the senior year students for their Manufacturing and Service Systems Design Project course (IENG492). The students are first introduced to the type of the manufacturing or service system that they are going to design as the requirement of IENG492 during the next academic semester. Then they are asked to conduct a market survey, submit information on the types of products/services they are going to produce, amount of sales, prices, competing producers, processes required to producing and distributing them, and relevant standards/laws/rules and regulations available in the place where the system will be established. Additionally, students are required to design the products/services, make forecasting for their sales, and prepare a feasibility study of the system.

    The purpose of the course is to make an introduction and lay the foundations of modern methods of statistical quality control and improvements that are used in the manufacturing and service industries. The course also introduces basics of experimental design in determining quality products and reliability models. The students will first be introduced to some of the philosophies of quality control experts and their impact on quality. After a quick review of normal probability distribution, a few graphical methods used to monitor quality improvement will be given. Control charts for variables and attributes will be given with examples. Acceptance sampling plans for variables and attributes are to follow. Principles of design of experiments along with Taguchi method will be presented. Finally reliability of systems like series, parallel, series-paralel and paralel-serıes systems will be discussed.

    This course is designed to introduce the engineering student with the basic principles of occupational safety and health management in industry.  Development of safety and health function, concepts of hazard avoidance, impact of regulations, toxic substances, environmental control, noise, explosive materials, fire protection, personal protection and first aid will be introduced.

    The purpose of this course is to give an introduction to economic analysis for decision making in engineering design, manufacturing equipment, and industrial projects. Subjects covered include interest, economic equivalence, time-value of money, project cash-flow analysis, decision making among alternatives, present worth, capitalized cost, equivalent-uniform, rate-of-return, benefit-cost ratio methods, replacement analysis, break-even analysis, sensitivity analysis, capital budgeting, inflation, elements of cost and cost estimation, payback analysis, methods of depreciation, after tax economic analysis, and computer applications in engineering economics.

    This course is designed to introduce the student with the principles of safety and health hazards in industrial environment. It provides students with fundamentals of measurement, evaluation, regulation, and control of hazardous conditions, toxic substances, physical agents, and dangerous processes in the industrial environment. Skills development in record keeping, risk assessment and accident cause analysis will also be emphasized. The course will prepare the student for workplace safety and management.

    The purpose of this course is to make an introduction to planning and design of manufacturing facilities. A balance of traditional and analytical approaches to facilities planning will be presented. Principles of management and facility organization. Capacity and technology selection. Analysis of production plans and processes to compute equipment and manpower requirements. Facility location. Plant layout. Identification of production support activities such as receiving, inventory management, material handling, storage and warehousing, packaging and shipping, maintenance planning.


    This course is designed to teach the fundamentals of Work Study and Ergonomics, which are both used in the examination of human and work in all their contexts. Work Study topics covered in the course are: methods study, charting techniques, time study, work-station design principles, job evaluation and compensation. The topics covered in Ergonomics are human physiology and anthropometry, fatigue assessment, industrial hygiene, information retrieval and control in humans, and fundamentals of industrial product design. Industrial accidents, theories on causes of accidents, safety analysis and hazard prevention.

    CIVL331 - Fluid Mechanics

    Production, types, uses in construction, properties and related tests for the following materials are covered: gypsum, lime, cement, aggregates. Properties of fresh and hardened concrete and concrete mix design calculations. Bricks, building stones, plasters, steel, timber and polymers will also be covered.

    Rewiew of interatomic and intermolecular forces and bonds. Crystal structure, amorphous structure. Structural imperfections, concepts of force, stress, deformation and strain. Mechanical properties of materials: elasticity, plasticity, viscosity, introduction to rheological concepts. Properties related to strength: stress-strain curves, true stress and true strain, ductility, brittleness, toughness, resilience & hardness. Fracture, fatique and creep concepts.


     ozet buraya giriecek

    Overview of digital signals and systems. Frequency and time representation of sampling, decimation, interpolation. Z-transform: Evaluation, region of convergence (ROC) and properties. Discrete time system structures: tapped delay line and lattice structures. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). Digital filter design: Finite impulse response (FIR), infinite impulse response (IIR), windowing, Hilbert transform.

    EENG 582 Artificial Neural Networks

    Neural Network Concepts: what is a neural network? biological neuron, artificial neuron, neural network topologies. Learning in Neural Networks: types of learning, learning rules, error correction learning, Hebbian learning, competitive learning, Boltzmann learning. Application Tasks: function approximation, classification, association, application examples. Feedforward Networks: perceptron, multi-layer perceptron, radial basis function network, self-organizing map. Feedback Networks: Hopfield network, Boltzmann machine, real-time recurrent network.


    EENG 582 Yapay Sinir Ağları

    Sinir Ağı Kavramları: Sinir ağı nedir? biyolojik nöron, yapay nöron, sinir ağı topolojileri. Sinir Ağlarında Öğrenme: öğrenme türleri, öğrenme kuralları, hata düzeltmeli öğrenme, Hebbian öğrenme, rekabetçi öğrenme, Boltzmann öğrenme. Uygulama Görevleri: fonksiyon yaklaşımı, sınıflandırma, ilişkilendirme, uygulama örnekleri. İleri Besleme Ağları: algılayıcı, çok katmanlı algılayıcı, radyal tabanlı işlev ağı, kendi kendini organize eden harita. Geri Besleme Ağları: Hopfield ağı, Boltzmann makinesi, gerçek zamanlı tekrarlayan ağ.


    Continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Linear time-invariant (LTI) systems: system properties, convolution sum and the convolution integral representation, system properties, LTI systems described by differential and difference equations. Fourier series: Representation of periodic continuous-time and discrete-time signals and filtering. Continuous time Fourier transform and its properties: Time and frequency shifting, conjugation, differentiation and integration, scaling, convolution, and the Parseval’s relation. Representation of aperiodic signals and the Discrete-time Fourier transform. Properties of the discrete-time Fourier transform.

    (Prerequisite: EENG223/INFE221)

    Storage structures and memory allocations. Primitive data structures. Data abstraction and Abstract Data Types.  Array and  record structures. Sorting algorithms and quick sort. Linear & binary search. Complexity of algorithms. String processing. Stacks & queues; stack operations, implementation of recursion, polish notation and arithmetic expressions. Queues and their implementations. Dequeues & priority queues. Linked storage representation and linked-lists. Doubly linked lists and circular lists. Binary trees. Tree traversal algorithms. Tree searching. General trees. Graphs; terminology, Operation on graphs and traversing algorithms. (Prerequisite: EENG112)

    In partial fulfillment of graduation requirements, each student is required to complete 40 working days of training  during the summer vacations, normally at the end of the junior year, in accordance with rules and regulations set by the Department. Summer training involves full-time work experience in industry in the area of student career interest. A formal report and evaluation by work supervisor required.  Prerequisite:  Junior standing and consent of department

    Circuit variables and circuit elements. Some circuit simplification techniques. Techniques of circuit analysis. The operational amplifiers. The natural and step response of RL and RC circuits. Natural and step responses of RLC circuits. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis. Introduction to the Laplace Transform. The Laplace Transform in circuit analysis.

    Basic components of robot systems; coordinate frames, homogeneous transformations, kinematics for manipulator, inverse kinematics; manipulator dynamics, Jacobians: velocities and static forces , trajectory planning, Actuators, Sensors, Vision, Fuzzy logic control of manipulator and robotic programming.

    Storage structures and memory allocations. Primitive data structures. Data abstraction and Abstract Data Types.  Array and  record structures. Sorting algorithms and quick sort. Linear & binary search. Complexity of algorithms. String processing. Stacks & queues; stack operations, implementation of recursion, polish notation and arithmetic expressions. Queues and their implementations. Dequeues & priority queues. Linked storage representation and linked-lists. Doubly linked lists and circular lists. Binary trees. Tree traversal algorithms. Tree searching. General trees. Graphs; terminology, Operation on graphs and traversing algorithms. (Prerequisite: EENG112)

    EENG232 Electromagnetics I

    Review of vector calculus. Electrostatics in vacuum. Coulomb's and Gauss's laws. Electrostatic potential. Poisson's and Laplace's equations. Conductors in the presence of electrostatic fields. Method of images. Dielectrics; polarization. Dielectric boundary conditions. Capacitance. Electrostatic energy. Electrostatic forces by the virtual work principle. Steady currents. Ohm's and Joule's laws. Resistance calculations. Magnetostatics in vacuum. Ampere's force law. Biot-Savart law. Magnetic vector potential. Ampere's circuital law. Magnetic boundary conditions. Magnetic dipole. Magnetization. Hysteresis curve. Self and mutual inductance. Magnetic stored energy. Magnetic forces by the virtual work principle. (Prerequisite: MATH 152, PHYS 102)

    Circuit variables, circuit elements. Simple resistive circuits. Techniques of circuit analysis. Topology in circuit analysis. Inductance and capacitance. State variables and state equations. Response of first-order RL, RC circuits. Natural and step responses of second-order RLC circuits. 

     (Prerequisite: MATH 151)

    Basic components of robot systems; coordinate frames, homogeneous transformations, kinematics for manipulator, inverse kinematics; manipulator dynamics, Jacobians: velocities and static forces , trajectory planning, Actuators, Sensors, Vision, Fuzzy logic control of manipulator and robotic programming.

    Introduction to wireless communications systems. The cellular concept and system design fundamentals: frequency reuse, interference and system capacity. Radio propagation and large-scale path loss. Small-scale fading and multipath propagation: Doppler shift, mobile multipath channel parameters such as coherence bandwidth and coherence time. Diversity techniques and diversity combining. Spread spectrum communication techniques. Multiple access techniques: TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, SDMA. Current and future wireless systems and standards

    Definition of Microwaves. Basic properties. Application areas. Historical perspectives. Circuit viewpoint TEM transmission lines in sinusoidal steady state regime. Smith Chart. Impedance matching.  Single and double stub matching Field analysis of transmission lines and waveguides. TEM, TM and  TE Waves. Parallel plate and rectangular waveguides. Waveguide modes of a coaxial  line. Dielectric slab waveguides, surface waves. Stripline. Planar guiding structures: microstrip, coplanar lines, fin lines etc. Microwave network analysis. Impedance and admitance matrices. Scattering parameters. ABCD matrix. Two-port networks.

    (Prerequisite: EENG 331)

    Basic computer organization and introductory microprocessor architecture. Introduction to assembly language programming: basic instructions, program segments, registers and memory.  Control transfer instructions; arithmetic, logic instructions; rotate instructions and bitwise operations in assembly language. Basic computer architecture: pin definitions and supporting chips. Memory and memory interfacing. Basic I/O and device interfacing: I/O programming in assembly and programmable peripheral interface (PPI). Interfacing the parallel and serial ports. (Prerequisite: EENG115).

    Internal data representation, integers, reals, characters. Problem solving and algorithm design. Program structures. Sequencing, selection and iteration. Pseudo-code, flow-charts and other techniques. High-level programming environments. Variables, expressions and assignments. Introducing C programming. Structured programming; sequential, selective and repetitive structures. Function definition and function calls. Prototypes and header files. Recursive functions. Arrays and pointers. Dynamic memory management. Parameter passing conventions. Multi dimensional arrays. Conditional compilation, modular programming and multi-file programs. Exception handling. File processing. Formatted I/O. Random file access. Index structures and file organization.


    Basic electrical quantities. Fundamental circuit laws. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis and transformers. Three-phase circuits. Principles of electromechanical energy conversion. DC and AC machines. Electrical safety

    Number systems, arithmetic operations, decimal codes, alphanumeric codes, Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps, NAND and NOR gates, exclusive-OR gates, integrated circuits, combinational circuits, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, adders, subtractors, multipliers, sequential circuits, latches, flip-flops, sequential circuits analysis, registers, counters, RAM and ROM memories, programmable logic technologies (PLA, PLD, CPLD, FPGA).

    Definitions and units. Experimental laws and simple circuits. Techniques of circuit analysis. Inductance and capacitance. Source-free RL and RC circuits. Applications. The Unit-step forcing function. RLC circuits

    Basic components of robot systems; coordinate frames, homogeneous transformations, kinematics for manipulator, inverse kinematics; manipulator dynamics, Jacobians: velocities and static forces , trajectory planning, Actuators, Sensors, Vision, Fuzzy logic control of manipulator and robotic programming.

    Circuit variables and circuit elements. Some circuit simplification techniques. Techniques of circuit analysis. The operational amplifiers. The natural and step response of RL and RC circuits. Natural and step responses of RLC circuits. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis. Introduction to the Laplace Transform. The Laplace Transform in circuit analysis.

    Electromagnetic induction; Faraday's and Lenz's laws; transformer and motional electromotive force; induction heating; transformer; displacement current; time-varying fields; Maxwell's equations; wave equations; time-harmonic fields; complex phasors; scalar and vector potential functions; plane waves in vacuum; plane waves in dielectrics and conductors; polarization; skin effect; electromagnetic energy and power; Poynting's theorem; reflection and refraction of plane waves at dielectric interfaces; Snell's laws; Fresnel formulas; critical angle; total internal reflection; total transmission; Brewster's angle; standing waves; transmission line theory; TEM waves; transmission line parameters; lossy and lossless lines; matching of transmission lines to their loads. 

     (Prerequisite: EEE 232)

    Review of probability and random variables. Random processes, stationarity, correlation, covariance and ergodicity concepts. Transmission of random processes through linear filters, power spectral density. Gaussian random processes, white noise, filtered noise and narrowband noise. Baseband pulse transmission and optimal (matched filter) receiver. Probability of error for pulse transmission. Nyquist criterion for distortionless binary transmission, partial response signaling, multi-level signaling and tapped delay line equalization. Geometric interpretation of signals, coherent detection of signals in noise. Digital modulation techniques such as PSK, FSK, QPSK and etc. Detection of the digitally modulated signals. (Prerequisite: EEE 360, Math 322)

    Sinusoidal Sources and Phasors. AC Steady-State Analysis. AC Steady-State Power. Three-Phase Circuits. The Laplace Transforms. Circuit Analysis in the s-domain. Frequency Response. Mutual Inductance and Transformers. Two-port Circuits. (Prerequisite: EENG 223 Circuit Theory I)


    Basic components of robot systems; coordinate frames, homogeneous transformations, kinematics for manipulator, inverse kinematics; manipulator dynamics, Jacobians: velocities and static forces , trajectory planning, Actuators, Sensors, Vision, Fuzzy logic control of manipulator and robotic programming.

    Circuit variables and circuit elements. Some circuit simplification techniques. Techniques of circuit analysis. The operational amplifiers. The natural and step response of RL and RC circuits. Natural and step responses of RLC circuits. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis. Introduction to the Laplace Transform. The Laplace Transform in circuit analysis.

    The fundamental concepts of modern digital VLSI circuit design using CMOS technology with an emphasis on “hands-on” IC design using CAD tools. An overview of CMOS technology. Combinational and sequential logic circuits including transistor level design of logic gates at the device and layout level. Clocking methods. Memory design and memory decode logic. Digital IC design flow. Hardware Description Languages (VHDL/Verilog), architectural aspects of a VHDL, synthesised VHDL on physical hardware. Low-power logic families such as DCVS and Adiabatic Logic and discuss the implications of modern methods on circuit design. Chip level design methodologies (full-custom, semi-custom and standard cell) exploration.

    Basic components of robot systems; coordinate frames, homogeneous transformations, kinematics for manipulator, inverse kinematics; manipulator dynamics, Jacobians: velocities and static forces , trajectory planning, Actuators, Sensors, Vision, Fuzzy logic control of manipulator and robotic programming.

    Circuit variables and circuit elements. Some circuit simplification techniques. Techniques of circuit analysis. The operational amplifiers. The natural and step response of RL and RC circuits. Natural and step responses of RLC circuits. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis. Introduction to the Laplace Transform. The Laplace Transform in circuit analysis.

    Number systems, arithmetic operations, decimal codes, alphanumeric codes, Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps, NAND and NOR gates, exclusive-OR gates, integrated circuits, combinational circuits, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, adders, subtractors , multipliers, sequential circuits, latches, flip-flops, sequential circuits analysis, registers, counters, RAM and ROM memories, programmable logic technologies (PLA, PLD, CPLD, FPGA).

    Basic passive microwave components. Attenuators, phase shifters, directional couplers, T-junctions, hybrids, power dividers, magic T, circulators. Microwave Resonators. Cavity resonators. Rectangular and circular cavities. Excitation of cavity resonators. Dielectric resonators. Series and parallel resonant circuits. Transmission line resonators. Microwave Filters. Filter Design by the Insertion Loss Method. Filter transformations. Impedance and frequency scaling. Filter implementation. Active Microwave Circuits. Noise in microwave circuits. Transistor amplifier design. Oscillator design. Microwave sources. Solid-state and tube sources. Ferrite components. Ferrite isolators, phase shifters, circulators. .(Prerequisite: EENG331).

    Brief review of electromagnetic theory.  Antenna parameters. Radar equation. Friis transmission formula. Receiving antennas; effective area, polarization mismatch factor.Radiation; retarded potentials. Hertzian dipole. Near and far fields. Linear antennas.  Uniform and nonuniform arrays. Pattern multiplication. Dipoles above ground. Aperture antenna theory. Horn and reflector antennas. Propagation. Basic modes of propagation. Ground and surface waves. lonospheric wave propagation. (Prerequisite: EENG 331)

    Basic antenna parameters. Transmission loss, radar equation. Retarded potentials, thin linear wire antennas. Hertzian dipole, small dipole, finite length and half-wavelength dipoles. Vector potentials, field equivalence principle. Rectangular and circular apertures. Horns. Induced current, parabolic reflectors. Array antennas, uniform and non-uniform aperture distributions, scanning arrays, pattern synthesis, planar arrays.

    EE 534: Numerical Methods in Electromagnetics

    Review of main analytical and numerical methods for field problems. Method of moments applied to static field, scattering and antenna problems. Hallen's and Pocklington's integral. The finite-difference method for static and time-varying fields. Variational methods, the Rayleigh-Ritz method. The finite-element method. Absorbing boundary conditions.

    Basic components of robot systems; coordinate frames, homogeneous transformations, kinematics for manipulator, inverse kinematics; manipulator dynamics, Jacobians: velocities and static forces , trajectory planning, Actuators, Sensors, Vision, Fuzzy logic control of manipulator and robotic programming.

    A review of basic numerical methods in electrodynamics. Method of Moments. Finite Difference Method. Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method. Variational and related methods. Finite-Element Method. Mode Matching Method. Spectral Analysis. (Prerequisite: EENG 331).

    High-level programming environments. Variables, expressions and assignments. Introducing C programming. Structured programming; sequential, selective and repetitive structures. Function definition and function calls. Prototypes and header files. Recursive functions. Arrays and pointers. Dynamic memory management. Parameter passing conventions. Multi dimensional arrays. Structures and unions. Conditional compilation, modular programming and multi-file programs. Exception handling. File processing. Formatted I/O . Random file access. Index structures and file organization. (Prerequisite: EEE 111)

    Fourier series; Fourier transforms and continuous spectra. Time and frequency relations.Transmission of signals through linear systems.Continuous wave modulation.Amplitude, phase and frequency modulation. Generation and detection of AM, DSB-SC, SSB,VSB, PM and FM signals. CW modulation systems.Super-Heterodyne receivers.Frequency-division multiplexing systems.Monochrome and color television.Sampling theory.Pulse modulation.Time-division multiplexing.Digital encoding of analog waveforms.Pulse-code modulation (PCM).Differential PCM.Predictive coding. (Prerequisite: EEE 226)
    Fourier series; Fourier transforms and continuous spectra. Time and frequency relations.Transmission of signals through linear systems.Continuous wave modulation.Amplitude, phase and frequency modulation. Generation and detection of AM, DSB-SC, SSB,VSB, PM and FM signals. CW modulation systems.Super-Heterodyne receivers.Frequency-division multiplexing systems.Monochrome and color television.Sampling theory.Pulse modulation.Time-division multiplexing.Digital encoding of analog waveforms.Pulse-code modulation (PCM).Differential PCM.Predictive coding. (Prerequisite: EEE 226)

    Definitions of physical systems, Component characterization. Elements of graph theory, basic postulates: circuit and cut-set equations. Formulation of system equations in matrix form. Branch, chord, mixed and state-space formulations. Solution of system equations, time-domain, s-domain solutions. Various applications to physical systems.

    Basic computer organization and introductory microprocessor architecture. Introduction to assembly language programming: basic instructions, program segments, registers and memory. Control transfer instructions; arithmetic, logic instructions; rotate instructions and bitwise operations in assembly language. Basic computer architecture: pin definitions and supporting chips. Memory and memory interfacing. Basic I/O and device interfacing: I/O programming in assembly and programmable peripheral interface (PPI). Interfacing the parallel and serial ports. (Pre-requisite: EENG 211)

    Circuit variables, circuit elements. Simple resistive circuits. Techniques of circuit analysis. Topology in circuit analysis. Inductance and capacitance. State variables and state equations. Response of first-order RL, RC circuits. Natural and step responses of second-order RLC circuits.

    (Prerequisite: MATH 151)

    Ders kapsamında, Limit ve süreklilik, Türevler, Türev kuralları, Yüksek mertebeden türevler, Zincir kuralı, İlgili oranlar, Rolle ve ortalama değer teoremi, Kritik Nokta, Asimptotlar, Eğri çizimi, İntegraller, Temel Teoremi, İntegrasyon teknikleri, Belirli ve Belirsiz integraller, Geometri ve bilimdeki uygulamalrı, Belirsiz şekiller, L'Hôpital Kuralı, Genelleştirilmiş integraller, Diziler, Sonsuz Seriler, Alterne seriler, Oran, Kök, Karşılaştırma Testi, konuları işlenir.


    Complex numbers. Algebra of complex numbers. Polar representation. Complex functions. Limit and continuity. Analyticity. Analytic functions. Cauchy-Riemann equations. Line integrals. Cauchy integral formula. Isolated singularities. Residue theorem. Numerical error. Solution of nonlinear equations. Convergence. Solution of linear system of equations: direct and iterative methods. Interpolation. Curve fitting. Numerical differentiation and integration.

    Real numbers and sets. Functions, equations, and their graphs. Inequalities. Lines, circles, parabolas. Exponential, logarithm, trigonometric functions. Limits and continuity. Derivatives. Rules of differentiation. Higher order derivatives. Chain rule. Related rates. Rolle's theorem and the mean value theorem. Critical points. Asymptotes. Curve sketching. Integrals. Fundamental Theorem. Techniques of integration. Definite integrals. Application to geometry and science. Indeterminate forms. L'Hôpital's Rule. Improper integrals. Sequences, infinite series, Alternating series, Ratio, Root, Comparison Tests.

    Limits and continuity. Derivatives. Rules of differentiation. Higher order derivatives. Chain rule. Related rates. Rolle's and the mean value theorem. Critical Points. Asymptotes. Curve sketching. Integrals. Fundamental Theorem. Techniques of integration. Definite integrals. Application to geometry and science. Indeterminate forms. L'Hôpital's Rule. Improper integrals. Sequences, Infinite Series, Alternating series, Ratio, Root, Comparison Test

    It is the purpose of this course to provide a coherent description of the theoretical and practical aspects of Petri Nets by showing how Petri Nets have been developed – from being a promising theoretical model to being a full-fledged language for the design, specification, simulation, validation and implementation of large discrete event systems.

    It is the purpose of this course to provide a survey of both the principles and practical techniques of cryptography and network security. The basic issues to be addressed by a network security capability are explored by providing a tutorial and survey of cryptography and network security technology. The course is self-contained. A background material will be provided as needed.

    Discrete mathematics is the first non-calculus course for mathematics, computer science and engineering majors. This course introduces mathematical tools and techniques used to study discrete processes as opposed to continuous processes. Topics covered include such discrete concepts as basic set theory, functions, relations, recurrences, counting principles, fundamentals of propositional calculus and Boolean algebra, graphs and trees. The course also introduces proof techniques of mathematics including proof by induction, proof by truth table, proof by Venn diagram, pigeonhole principle, etc. This course is indeed prerequisite for logic design, operational research and other advance level courses in combinatorics, abstract algebra, mathematical modeling, geometry and topology.

    Ayrık matematik dersi; matematik, bilgisayar bilimleri ve mühendislik alanlarında uzmanlaşmakta olan öğrencilere verilen ilk kalkülüs dışı matematik dersidir. Bu ders, matematiğin süreklilik içermeyen ayrık kavramlarını ve bu kavramları incelemek için kullanılan matematiksel araç ve teknikleri tanıtmak üzere tasarlanmıştır. Ayrık matematik; kümeler, ilişkiler (bağıntılar), fonksiyonlar, önermeli mantık ve Bool cebirinin temelleri, matematiksel tümevarım, özyineleme ilişkileri, temel ve ileri sayma teknikleri, çizgeler ve ağaçlar gibi farklı kavramları içerir. Bu ders, aynı zamanda, tümevarım tekniği, doğrulama tablosu, Venn şeması yöntemi, güvercin yuvası ilkesi dahil olmak üzere matematiğin bazı ispat tekniklerini tanıtır. Ayrıca, ayrık matematik; daha ileri dersler için kapıdır. Ayrık matematik; veri yapıları, algoritmalar, veritabanı sistemleri, sayısal mantık tasarımı, sayısal mantık sistemleri, yöneylem araştırması, özdevinimlik (otomata) teorisi, bilgisayar güvenliği, soyut cebir, matematiksel modelleme, geometri ve topoloji olmak üzere birçok dersler için matematiksel temelleri sağlar.

    Power series,Taylor Polynomials, Taylor Series, Maclaurin series, Lines and planes, Functions of Several Variables, Limits and Continuity, Partial Differentiation, Chain Rule, Tangent plane, Critical points, Global and Local Extrema, Directional Derivatives, Gradient, Divergence and Curl, Multiple integrals with applications, Triple integrals with applications, Triple integrals in Cylindrical and Spherical coordinates, Line-, Surface- and Volume Integrals, Independence of path, Green’s Theorem, Conservative Vector Fields, Divergence Theorem, Stoke’s Theorem.

    Physics course for Dentistry

    Atoms, molecules and ions; Mass relations in chemistry, stoichiometry; Gasses, the ideal gas law, partial pressures, mole fractions, kinetic theory of gases; Electronic structure and the periodic table; Thermochemistry, calorimetry, enthalpy, the first law of thermodynamics; Liquids and Solids; Solutions; Acids and Bases; Organic Chemistry.
    This course is designed as a one-semester course for freshman engineering students. It offers the opportunity to the student to develop:
    • an adequate background in fundamentals of descriptive, applied and theoretical chemistry.
    • systematic problem solving skills through numerous conceptual and numerical problems requiring critical and analytical thinking skills in addition to a good grasp of chemical concepts.
    • scientific literacy and awareness to become an informed citizen
    • basic laboratory skills.

    Physical quantities, measurements and units. Vectors and motion in one and two dimensions. Particle dynamics and Newton's laws of motion. Work and energy. Electric fields, Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s law and electric potential. Capacitance and dielectric materials. Current andresistance, Ohm’s law. Magnetic fields.

    General Chemistry


    (Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes)

    The purpose of this course is to teach the basic and fundamental principles of organic chemistry and allowing the student to begin understanding the language of organic chemists.

    An overview of the properties and characteristics of organic molecules is provided, and several key reactions and reaction mechanisms are discussed.

    Organik kimyaya giriş; Bağlanma ve izomerlik; Organik bileşiklerin sınıflandırılması ve fonksiyonel gruplar; Alkanlar, alkenler, alkinler ve aromatik bileşikler; Organik halojen bileşikleri; Alkoller, fenoller ve tiyoller; Eterler ve epoksitler; Aldehitler ve ketonlar; Karboksilli asitler; Aminler, karbonhidratlar, amino asitler, peptitler ve proteinler ve lipidler; Enzim ve vitaminler; Beslenmede organik bileşiklerin rol ve etkileşimleri.


    Fizikte temel bilgiler, tek boyutta hareket, hareket kanunları, dairesel hareket ve Newton kanunları, İş ve Kinetik Enerji, Potansiyel enerji ve enerjinin korunumu, Doğrusal Momentum ve çarpışma, Statik Denge ve Esneklik, Sıcaklık ve Isı, Elektrik Kanunları, Akım ve Basit Devreler.

    Isı, Termodinamiğin 1. ve 2. yasası, Elektrik alanlar, Gauss kanunu,elektriksel potansiyel,Manyetik alanlarmanyetik alan kaynakları, Faraday kanunuindüktöralternatif akım devrelerielektromanyetik dalgalar.Yarıiletkenler, diyot ve devreleritransistörler ve yükseltici devreler.