Topic outline

  • General

  • Course Description, Rationale and Goals

    Summer Training (EENG403)

    In partial fulfillment of graduation requirements, each student is required to complete 40 working days of training  during the summer vacations, normally at the end of the junior year, in accordance with rules and regulations set by the Department. Summer training involves full-time work experience in industry in the area of student career interest. A formal report and evaluation by work supervisor required.  Prerequisite:  Junior standing and consent of department.

    The following notes should be considered by the summer training student.

    Note 1. The student on training should ensure that, his/her supervisor at the company where the training is taking place, will acknowledge by an official email to the summer training committee chair Prof. Dr. Hasan AMCA ( that he/she has actually started summer training with them.

    Note 2: The submission deadline for the summer training report and the logbook (together) is end of the 4th week after the beginning of the semester.

    Note 3: Student will be interviewed by a subcommittee formed by the summer training committee.

    Note 4: All the summer training and the related materials can be found at 

    Rationale and goals:

    Many students neglect summer training, as they do not understand the rationale behind it. Summer training provides an excellent platform for students to gain practical experience. This practice goes beyond textbooks and lectures and enhances their  their learning skills.

    Students are able to gain valuable insights about the industry and understand the most up to date engineering technology during their training. Besides that, students that perform well during their training are likely to receive job offers by their employer once they graduate.

    Course Learning Outcomes

    The course has been designed to contribute to the following student outcomes:

    (a) An ability to learn how to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

    (b)      An ability to identify and learn the stages of electrical or electronics engineering operations such as electrical and/or electronic circuit, equipment and system i) design, ii) construction, iii) installation, iv) production, v) production planning, vi) maintenance and/or vii) quality control.

    (c)       An ability to document, report and present electrical and electronic engineering operations in a formal report.

    (d)      An ability to work in a team.

    Student Outcomes

    (2)  an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.

    (3)   an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.

    (4)   an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.

    (5)   an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.

    (6)   an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze, and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.

    (7)   an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.


      Prof. Dr. Hasan Demirel
      Committee Chair
      Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kemal Uyguroğlu
      Committee Member
      Prof. Dr. Şener Uysal
      Committee Member
      Assoc. Prof. Dr. Davut Solyalı
      Committee Member
      Assist. Prof. Dr. Shahla Azizi
      Committee Member
      Assist. Prof. Dr. Hassan Abou Rajab
      Committee Member

      Assoc. Prof. Dr. Davut Solyalı
      Committee Member
      Assist. Prof. Dr. Shahla Azizi
      Committee Member
    • Course Requirements, Grading / Policy

      Each student is required to complete 40 days of summer training in a company where at least 2 electrical engineers are employed. During the training the student should make sure that the work supervisor fills out the logbook daily and conducts a formal and confidential evaluation of the student at the end of the training. The logbook which contains the daily account of the work done by the student and the work supervisors evaluation must be stamped by the company seal and it should be put in a sealed envelope to be returned to the department.

      In addition to the properly filled logbook the student is required to write a formal report documenting the training in the workplace.

      The following fall semester the student registers to the EENG403 course and  two weeks earlier to the beginning of the final exams, he/she submits the report to his/her evaluator.

      • Rules, Guidelines and Timeline for Summer Training

        Before Training


        1. A summer training student (STS) candidate is the student who has completed at least two of the five selective core courses (SCC) of the curriculum with a grade of D and above.
        2. It is recommended that the STS practice his/her training in a firm that works in a field that he/she is familiar with. For example, a STS who has taken the EENG 350 course is recommended to practice in the power and energy conversion area.
        3. A STS is required to complete 40 working days of summer training in a company where at least two full-time electrical engineers are employed.
        4. It is recommended that the STS completes the 40 days period in one summer however, due to some companies limitations, the training can be accomplished in two 20 days periods. Under such circumstances departmental consent is required.
        5. The STS can not take summer courses during the period of training.
        6. It is the duty of the STS to find a company for training. He/She can fill Form1 and get it signed by the committee chair to prove that he/she is eligible for training.
        7. To keep track of the STS, he/she should also fill out Form2 which conveys necessary information about the company and mail it to the department at the beginning of the training.
        8. The STS should purchase a summer training logbook from the bookstore or download it from this page (logbook) and get it filled by the training supervisor(s). The evaluated logbook should be stamped by the company and sent to the department in a sealed envelope.
        9. Most companies in Turkey require that students are insured while training (Social Insurance and health insurance requirement ). Our university supports this endaveour. The cost of this insurance is paid by the university. In order to acquire the required insurance the following form must be filled out and returned to the department.(Insurance). Guidelines for acquiring insurance are described in the following link. (Acquiring Insurance)


        During Training


        1. The STS should attend regularly the training, concentrate and act professionally.
        2. It is recommended that the STS make useful notes daily about the training and his/her observations and conclusions because these will help in writing the summer training report.


        After Training


        1. The STS is expected to write a detailed report about the 40 days of summer training following the guidelines on summer training report writing (web page). The original copy must be submitted for binding. The front cover of the binding must be transparent binding plastic and the back cover of the binding must be thick hard binding cartoon.
        2. After completion of the training, the STS should register EENG403 in the following semester and get assigned a summer training evaluator who is going to evaluate the logbook and the report and assign a grade.
        3. The deadline for submission of the report and the logbook is two weeks earlier to the beginning of the final exams.
        4. It is the responsibility of the STS to contact the training evaluator and the department secretary to keep track of the modifications and corrections required by the evaluator to be done on the summer training report.

        Flowchart and timeline for the process

        • Departmental Council Decisions about Summer Training


          Bölümümüz Staj Komisyonu’nun yapmış olduğu güncellemeler ve yeni öneriler değerlendirilmiştir. Aşağıda belirtilen kararlar alınmıştır.





          “40” İş gününü kapsayan stajın bir defada 40 gün veya 20’şer günlük eşit iki periodda yapılabilir.

          40 days of training can be done in full or can be divided into two equal periods.






          Öğrencilerin staj yapabilmeleri için en az iki Selective Core Course (SCC)’u alıp, en az “D” notu ile geçmiş olmaları gerekir.

          The requirement for a student to be eligible for summer training is that he/she completes two of the SCC courses with a grade of D and above.






          Stajın, dönem final sınavlarının son gününden, takip eden dönemin kayıt tarihlerinin son gününe kadar (her iki tarih hariç) yapabilmesine oy çokluğu ile, bahar dönemi sonu ve yaz dönemi başlangıcı arasındaki sürede staj yapılamayacağına oy birliği ile; 

          The students can do training during the semester break in December/January or August/Setember provided that there is enough time for a 20 day training period. Students who plan to attend summer school should not plan to do training during the short break after the spring semester and the beginning of summer semester.






          Staj için, Cumartesi gününün, staj yapılan iş yerinde Cumartesi günün çalışma günü olması kaydıyla iş günü olarak sayılmasına, Pazar günlerinin ise iş günü olarak sayılmaması gerekmektedir.

          Saturdays may count as a training day provided that it is a working day for the company; Sundays on the other hand does not count as a training day.







          Türkiye uyruklu öğrencilerin staj esnasında sigorta işlemlerini tamamlamış olmaları gerektiğine oy çokluğu ile,

          Turkish students are required to get insurance.




          • Guidelines for Advisors and Evaluators

            At the time a student registers for EENG403, the academic advisor is recommended to assign a suitable evaluator (group) to the student by considering the evaluator’s expertise and the student’s work in the training.

            The duties of the evaluator include the following:

            a)      to guide the student in writing the summer training report

            b)      to evaluate the training and the report

            c)      to record and compile information about the workplace the students (in his/her group) did their training in, and submit a copy to the department.

            1. 3.      For maintaining the uniformity of the grading by all evaluators, it is recommended that the student receives the U grade if (but not restricted to)

            a)      the logbook is not properly filled or the supervisor’s evaluation is unsatisfactory or

            b)      work done by the student is not described in the report or

            c)      more than one of the criteria specified in the following table relating to the format are not satisfied.

             LOG BOOK Log book is properly completed
            Supervisor’s evaluation is satisfactory.
               REPORT Work done by the student is described in the report.
            Report is divided in suitable chapters
            Table of contents is included.
            Chapters and section are properly numbered and titled.
            Title page contains essential information (see the sample report)